Sex is not just about a lot of moves that is needed to be enjoyable, and it doesn’t take much to ruin it.
One can be positive about sex and still try to please his or her partner and make them happy.
This means that, you don’t have to give up everything you love or need out of sex, but it means you have to create a healthy, safe, and consensual sexual relationship that both of you are interested in.
No matter how long you last and how good you are on bed, there are other things men do that women don’t like and easily turn them off as It leaves her frustrated and angry.
As a matter of fact, there are some common things men do in bed that women are not happy about, and it can seriously hurt everyone’s good time.
Avoiding condoms
This is one of the rudest things that a lot of men can do and that is to have sex without condoms. Refusing condom means you are forcing the woman to agree with something that can affect her hygiene and life.
It doesn’t matter how hygienic you are, never refuse to do it without a condom unless you are trying to get a baby and she too doesn’t like it, is equivalent to forcing her without consent.
Failing to ask her what she wants
On the bed, it is two partners or more and you all have to be on board and get your satisfaction. Most men don’t take in to consideration what their women wants or likes. However, It is important to ask your partner what he or she likes or dislikes.
Going ahead without foreplay
For most women, foreplay is the most important thing and it is mandatory to do it when you are with your woman, when there is no foreplay, women don’t like it as it is a huge turn-off which also shows that, you are not taking her mood in to consideration.
Trying anal without her consent
In an attempt to have anal sex, it is very important the woman is prepared for it, but for many men, no matter how steamy the process is, they try to do it without the consent of their partner.
However, this is not a something that will be welcomed and in addition, doing it without a lubricant is the biggest mistake you can make.
Remaining too quiet
Again, engaging in the deed and walking off is the biggest turn-off for any woman, remaining too quiet while having sex is something that is a big no-no, for instance, mentioning her name, moaning, and expressing her feeling is what is expected.